“We have worked with many advisors and consultants, and after seeing the results of your Question Marketing research, I can tell you that no one has ever demonstrated a better understanding of our company and our brands as well or as quickly as Freebairn.”
— Controller, $100M Logistics Company Client
The QuestionMarketing® process involves a social scientist’s understanding of human behavior, a journalist’s curiosity about the story, a marketer’s discipline and focus on core messages and the creative talent to deliver messages with impact.
What QuestionMarketing® Is Not
There should be clarity about what QuestionMarketing® is not. It is not focus groups or Facebook likes. It is not an off-the-rack, one-size-fits-all set of questions. It is not a shallow surfaced exploration of a company or an institution or a brand.
Our QuestionMarketing® process is conducted by experienced marketers. Our team knows how to ask the right questions of brand stakeholders—employees, customers, suppliers, potential customers, competitors and influencers. Our QuestionMarketing® process works because we are outsiders analyzing a brand without preconceived notions or reliance on internal culture.
QuestionMarketing® delivers a clear path to the meaning of a brand.
It is a way to explore the company, its attributes, its people, its culture and its competitive reason for being. This process helps define the SOUL of a company and that provides the basis for developing the brand and the story and the style with which to tell it. It allows stakeholders to share ideas, to suggest improvements and to unveil surprising insights that can transform brand direction and definition. It includes a thorough examination of the brand and a clear track for understanding and communication of the brand
“We desperately needed the insight that the Freebairn Question Marketing research provided.”
— Director of Continuing Education, University of Georgia